Evidence-based Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Resources

Evidence-based Clinical Information Resources

Search many databases at once. Free and "pro" options.

Filters PubMed to give you the best evidence when searching.

APA website with practice guidelines and resources. Use OpenAthens (VTCSOM) account if needed.

NIH-funded site from Northwestern supporting evidence-based mental health practice.

Evidence and technology reports on behavioral health - mostly substance use and depression.

Systematic reviews. Browse with "Cochrane Topic", then "Mental Health" as the topic, or just search. Use OpenAthens (VTCSOM) account if needed.

An "evidence-based" textbook. Updated continuously.

Resources for Learning How to Do and Teach Evidence-Based Medicine

CEBM in Oxford, UK. General EBM tools and resources.

Dr. Epling's teaching site - tutorials and resources about how to do and teach EBM.